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Idea & moodboard
The theme of my set design was flowers and I added a Korean mood as well. Therefore, in costume design, I also used flower metaphor and the era is Joseon dynasty which means around 13 - 19th century. I found and matched flowers similar to each characters’ personality and made a mood board for traditional Korean clothes, Hanbok from that era.
Research & sketches
- There are so few female characters that I switched Horatio and Polonius to female. The reason why I switched Horatio to female is that I wanted to make Hamlet a female friend and I thought the silhouette of bamboo I found would fit better in women's clothing. In addition, I switched Polonius to female since I wanted Polonius to be a powerful queen bee as she is compared to a beehive and also wanted to show one more woman in positions of power.
- My set doesn’t have much color and doesn’t need much lighting, so I designed the costume more colorful.
Hamlet set & costume final design
Waistcoat making
Following the Hamlet set design project, I designed costumes for the characters using the same theme and concept. I researched the personalities and characteristics of each character and used flower metaphor from my set design to create outfits that matched each trait. I enjoy drawing and painting, so this task was enjoyable for me. It was fascinating that everyone came up with different costume designs for the same Hamlet story. In this Hamlet project, I think the most important aspect was how to interpret the given task in one's own way. In that regard, I learned how to make my own interpretations and how to visually express them.
Amazing Natural Beehives. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2024].
cinelab. 2020. #한복챌린지 한국 영화에 담긴 한복의 아름다움. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2024].
Cotehele, C. The history of daffodils. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2024].
Henry Street. Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2024].
Know Soil, Know Life Educators Guide. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2024].
Marshall, A.-S. 2017. Poisonous Mushrooms vs. Edible Wild Mushrooms: A Warning. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2024].
ProBunga. Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2024].
Rezvani, R. 2022. KOHEI NAWA. Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2024].
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