In week 3, I learned about using Follow Me Tool. It looks like Push Pull, but unlike Push Pull, I can make any shape path using Follow Me Tool. The final outcome is the fountain I designed. First, I drew a straight line along the green axis. Then, I learned how to constrain a circle to the Green plane. Just hit the Left Arrow on the keyboard. Next, I made various shape of path using Follow Me Tool. Using the 2 Point Arc which I learned last class or cutouts drawn on the circle helps me produce more diverse shape of path. Follow Me Tool can also be applied to the rectangular cube and cone shape. By using Follow Me Tool, I could create many unique designs including my final outcome. It is very convenient tool for creating various shapes of 3D modeling.
In addition to this, I also learned how to place and paste chairs into my model using 3D Warehouse because we started with where we left off last class.