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"Speaking Frankly: Cancel Culture" | Full Documentary


Updated: Apr 8, 2024

Cancel Culture is a social behavior that cancels a person who makes a remark about something is not acceptable for society or has different opinions against certain group of the public. Whether they do self-reflection for their earlier mistakes or not, some people are cancelled from the society and ruined their life easily.

After watching this video, I especially felt bad for Dr. Bret Weinstein who suffered from classic case of Cancel Culture at his work, university. He just said his opinion for excessive demand suppressing his rights, but some students protested about it and asked for his resignation. Is it right to condemn someone just because they have a different view from majority? I think it is none more so than a black and white dichotomous category.

I’ve heard about many celebrities and influencers who suffer from Cancel Culture in Korea, too. I think Cancel Culture is heating up and becoming a serious global problem in the modern society as various online platforms are developing. We are all human, so we make a lot of mistakes in our lives. We can learn from mistakes and grow to better person. Of course, there must be fair punishment and self-reflection for faults, but in my opinion, we need to try to be more generous to others.


‘Speaking Frankly: Cancel Culture’ | Full Documentary. 2020. [Video]. Youtube. Available at: [Accessed 24 October 2023].


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